  • December 04,2016
  • 1


I gave my heart to Christ at a young age. It happened when I was nine years old. I was in the Junior Church at my home church in Brooklyn, New York. The Junior Church teacher said that Jesus was willing to forgive a person for their sins, if that person confessed those sins. That sounded great to me, when I thought about the sins I had committed in my young life, sins like misbehaving at home and school and breaking a window playing stickball on my street. I met with the Junior Church teacher after church and she led me in accepting Jesus as my personal savior. Several times after accepting Christ, I found myself rededicating my life to Him, because I felt I was not living for Him like I should. Despite growing up in Brooklyn, I never got involved in gangs, drinking, drugs, smoking or premarital sex. The biggest sin I became involved in was viewing pornography. During my twenties, I spent

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    Cliff Means

    Thank you for sharing your story brother David! Jesus truly delivers!

    Reply on 12/5/2016 3:18:23 PM